
once a year I’ll change it

Every moment of your life

i already seen that movie

When a Very Sweet

Secret of happy life:

I asked god

Sun & day

I don't expect

Superb lines

Feels good

The Truth about Human Tongue:-

what is true affection ?

sardar in exam hall

The best and most beautiful things

easy way to eat brains

a small story

A 24 sweet hours makes

Its hard sometimes

Love has one law

This beautiful SMS

Don't hate

Love holds Heart

How to stay young and happy ?

Can you close ur eyes

sardar with boss

Sending birthday blessings

Not every bird can Dance,

Art of living:

Teeth said to Tongue

Do not make your aim

Actual Meaning of Morning

Height of bravery-

In my life

Sardar sent SMS

Husband & wife


Sardar Went for Divorce

It takes

A Solid & Nice Quote


Moments make a lifetime

Scratch cards using your fingers causes cancer

When things

Hitler's Law:

I may not' have

you want to taste it..?

someday you

Facts of life

Every day i meet

When we like some

Dream makes

thanks sms

Early this morning

Every sunset gives

U are a nice person

I miss u always...

What is difference between problem & talent?

Sweetest part

Days are too Busy;

I miss u all the time

Some people hurt

Philosophy of life

live with your sister.

with a female .

What did God say after he created man?

Dont go the way

If you love something

Facts of life

Dont find a person

A short walk

At age 3

Each drop